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ResilienceFault tolerancePerformanceRetryResilienceAbout 2 min

Also known as

  • Retry Logic
  • Retry Mechanism


Transparently retry certain operations that involve communication with external resources, particularly over the network, isolating calling code from the retry implementation details.


Real world example

Imagine you're a delivery driver attempting to deliver a package to a customer's house. You ring the doorbell, but no one answers. Instead of leaving immediately, you wait for a few minutes and try again, repeating this process a few times. This is similar to the Retry pattern in software, where a system retries a failed operation (e.g., making a network request) a certain number of times before finally giving up, in hopes that the issue (e.g., transient network glitch) will be resolved and the operation will succeed.

In plain words

Retry pattern transparently retries failed operations over network.

Microsoft documentationopen in new window says

Enable an application to handle transient failures when it tries to connect to a service or network resource, by transparently retrying a failed operation. This can improve the stability of the application.

Programmatic Example

The Retry design pattern is a resilience pattern that allows an application to retry an operation in the expectation that it'll succeed. This pattern is particularly useful when the application is connecting to a network service or a remote resource, where temporary failures are common.

First, we have a BusinessOperation interface that represents an operation that can be performed and might throw a BusinessException.

public interface BusinessOperation<T> {
  T perform() throws BusinessException;

Next, we have a FindCustomer class that implements this interface. This class simulates a flaky service that intermittently fails by throwing BusinessExceptions before eventually returning a customer's ID.

public final class FindCustomer implements BusinessOperation<String> {
  public String perform() throws BusinessException {
    // ...

The Retry class is where the Retry pattern is implemented. It takes a BusinessOperation and a number of attempts, and it will keep trying to perform the operation until it either succeeds or the maximum number of attempts is reached.

public final class Retry<T> implements BusinessOperation<T> {
  private final BusinessOperation<T> operation;
  private final int maxAttempts;
  private final long delay;
  private final Predicate<Exception> isRecoverable;

  public Retry(BusinessOperation<T> operation, int maxAttempts, long delay, Predicate<Exception> isRecoverable) {
    this.operation = operation;
    this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;
    this.delay = delay;
    this.isRecoverable = isRecoverable;

  public T perform() throws BusinessException {
    for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++) {
      try {
        return operation.perform();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (!isRecoverable.test(e) || attempt == maxAttempts - 1) {
          throw e;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
          throw new BusinessException("Retry operation was interrupted", ie);
    throw new BusinessException("Retry attempts exceeded");

In this class, the perform method tries to perform the operation. If the operation throws an exception, it checks if the exception is recoverable and if the maximum number of attempts has not been reached. If both conditions are true, it waits for a specified delay and then tries again. If the exception is not recoverable or the maximum number of attempts has been reached, it rethrows the exception.

This way, the Retry pattern allows the application to handle temporary failures gracefully, improving its resilience and reliability.

Class diagram



  • Use when operations can fail transiently, such as network calls, database connections, or external service integrations.
  • Ideal for scenarios where the likelihood of transient failure is high but the cost of retries is low.

Known Uses

  • In network communication libraries to handle transient failures.
  • Database connection libraries to manage temporary outages or timeouts.
  • APIs interacting with third-party services that may be temporarily unavailable.



  • Increases the robustness and fault tolerance of applications.
  • Can significantly reduce the impact of transient failures.


  • May introduce latency due to retries.
  • Can lead to resource exhaustion if not managed properly.
  • Requires careful configuration of retry parameters to avoid exacerbating the problem.
